Friday, April 29, 2011

module 5

I did not realize how I felt about this class until we met the first time. After the first class I was nervous, the second class made me want to pull my hair out. But then when I sat down and relaxed I found this class to be fun and exciting. I have learned a lot, even though it may not seem that way from my Blogs. I am taking baby steps with this new information and I know that I will continue to work with it after the class is over. In reading the rest of the book I found all the information valuable but there were things that stuck out that I will use in the near future. I will and have been using corporate portals (EIP's) to help me find available jobs for my temporaries. I use and EIP for Accellent, which is one of my customers, to keep track of what positions they have open and which ones have been filled. We also use another EIP to set up drug screens and background checks that the company requires us to use. We get the results from it and start dates for the temps as well. I am also working with my boss to put together a Google Docs Powerpoint presentation for our customers as well as a training tool that will be fun and exciting instead of just reading information out of a book. I would have never known about this if it were not for this class. I know that one of the main concerns our IT people have is security. I think sometimes they are a little too much on that subject because we are limited (very) as to what we have access to especially on the internet. We do have a peer-to-peer connection to each other but all we can really do is send emails. The corporate office has internet access but it is limited. The outer offices have no internet access unless it is for a web site approved to post jobs such as Craigs List. This limits a lot of what we could be doing and progressing as a company. They are also leary of the Sales people bringing in their laptops as they think it will cause viruses to get into their computers because the laptop uses the WLAN and Wi-Fi. There are things that they do that I do not understand because everyone else in the world are using these technologies and the world is not coming to an end and computers are not freezing up all over. I plan on learning as much as I can because I am tired of hearing excuses that do not make sence and using computers that are 15 years or more old. Another thing they do is create programs that do not work and spend a lot of time trying to install it and then spending more time on fixing the problems they have created by doing this. Instead of just upgrading and updating with new equipment or programs. Another thing they talk about is the Network Service Poviders and the cost tied into it and if they needed to expand the broadband it would cost a ton of money. There is no training or information given to anyone in the company from the IT people (there are 3)regarding security or how the computers even work. If there was some kind of training in regard to computers I think people would work better and understand the computers more. If hospitals and Dr.'s offices have computer access then why can't we. The information from hospitals and Dr.'s are a lot more important and they are secure. Another thing that the company needs to look at is the social networking media that we do not have access to at work. These sites would allow us to reach more people and cut down on what we spend in the Buffalo News for Help Wanted ad's. The ability to reach more people with these connections would not only allow us to recruit more people but it may help us in getting more customers. I hope that I have shown you that I have learned a lot from this class and the knowledge I am taking with me will be used and I hope change things in my job.

chapter 4 continued

I am glad that I have learned how to link various social networking togther.

The above is for Fredonia and they are linked with many social networking sites including Linked In,Facebook, You Tube, and others. I think the You Tube is a great link because it is an art type school and the musical people can link into it and show their music and art.

Chapter 4

I usually use Facebook for any social networking. On FB there has been a new item that you can friend which is information on my husbands band from years ago. I thought this was neat because they had such a following back then and this brings back memories. Their music has also been linked to You Tube so I will put the links here and if anyone wants to hear it its there for all to see. On the 1st link my husband plays the guitar and is singing, on the 2nd one he is doing the same but my father-in-law plays the saxaphone. Just a couple of fun things to listen to and it ties into the chapter so I thought I would throw it in. Enjoy!/pages/Lovegas/186954821348919?sk=page_getting_started

chapter 4 continued

We do have a signature file on all our emails that gives out our contact information. My jing was not working so I used our snipping tool.

I am familiar with how to address the email and I know how to attache a file.

chapter 4

Ok I think I am going to give this book to the IT guys where I work. They are always trying to give us excuses why we do not receive our emails as fast as we should. Sometime it takes hours, and they try to give us the excuse that emails just bounces around in cyber space and usually get lost or never delivered. The main IT guy does not even have an email address because emails were not meant to be used in business. This blows my mind because they are supposed to know about computers. I think I am going to show them this information I found to him.

chapter 3 continued

I am not sure if I am doing the correct thing for this assignment but it has made me dig a litter deeper in how the internet works when I need to look things up. I am learning little by little but I am an amiture when it comes to the computer. I should have taken this class years ago to help me with my classes. Advanced search, I found the search engine and I understand that it would be used if I was looking for a specific subject that may have a lot of information and I wanted to be a little more defined on what I need.

chapter 3 continued

I tried the search engine Kart00 and typed in Disney, I like the way this serch engine opens in smaller windows in order for you to move them around and it seems easier to see the window you just came from.

chapter 3 continued

I looked at factmonster and I think I would tell my kids to use this because of the graphics on it. I also think that they would have fun with this. I also like the ability for them to use it to help with their homework. Maybe they would want to do their homework instead of procrastinating. Ok so I did not realize how many different ways to look something up. I am now feeling overwhelmed with all the choices. There is an Advanced Search option as well? I will try them out but I may just stick with Yahoo and Google.

Chapter 3

I like using Yahoo as my search engine because I like the way I can move around it and find what I am looking for. Maybe it is because I am used to it and it is comfortable for me. I have been using Google a little more lately, but I like Yahoo also because it has links to news and other things that interest me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

chapter 2

This chapter seemed to allow me to understand better about what I did know about computers.  I understand what web pages are and IP addresses and domain names so I feel a little better about what I can do on the computer without pulling my hair out.  This chapter was helpful in that I was able to go to my computer and really understand the things I was doing and see the expenations behind them.  I liked the figure 2-6 on page 43 because I can use it as a reference when I am trying to look things up.  I used to use the favorites button all the time but since I have found symbaloo I am using that more than anything.  I do use the History button quite often since I have 2 teenagers and 2 younger boys I want to monitor what they are doing on the Internet so that tool has been my best friend.  I also find it helpful to have the ability to link what I find interesting and helpful to my needs to subscribe to it or link it with twitter and facebook.  I also found the information about firewalls and the importance of safety while using the Internet very important.  I do some banking and shopping on line and it was important to me to make sure that I am safe in doing this.  This chapter is important because I knew some of the information but it allowed me to learn about the safety of my children and my personal information.


So I found this assignment very interesting because it is allowing me to be more diverse in my computer knowledge.  From my research apparently some people feel that it does not mean anything.  In reality Tim O'Reilly seems to be the one that came up with it.  I found this information in a couple of different sites,, and  The information pointed out that the phrase web2.0 means the new technology of the Web where you are interactive with the site instead of just reading.  Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, The Clouds, and the bubble application are just a few that you can work with. It was interesting to me because I am not very familiar with the verbage in regard to the internet and computer's, I am lucky if I get through this class.  But reading about something I have heard of but never understood makes me feel like I am 2 steps ahead of anyone I work with (even the IT guys, which is not right). On the home page of go2web20 I found several app's I would use such as the following.  I may not use all of them for work but I found them interesting enough that I would use them in my personal life.  Now that I know what QR codes are, thanks to our presentations, I will use tingiz a lot.  "Hello There" I found very interesting since looking for employees and putting them out to work in various companies is what I do, I think this would be a great tool for me to use in trying to find people.  Cronsync I think would be a great tool for my company to use since our IT guys don't know what they are doing, but this would be a great tool for our accounting department.  I like how all of them are useful on their own but you can share them with other people through different links.  The fact that you can find this information is unbelievable but to be able to sync them with other app's that you use is great.  I sat at my computer for hours just looking at the different app's that I forgot to finish this assignment.  This is going into my symbaloo for sure I want to research this more.


Here is my presentation, I hope that it is viewable.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

google docs

So I figured out how to use Google Docs to my benefit.  I am using it to do my power point presentation, how excited am I?  Here I thought how stupid I was when it comes to computers, but look at me now, yea me.  I know that I am letting the "cat out of the bag" for my presentation but I wanted to show all of you I can do this (even though I was pulling my hair out for a while there).  Let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

linked in

Do you see it as beneficial?

I do see this as being benefcial as it is a great way of connecting to people within an industry.  I think it would be great in my line of work, since I am alway looking for qualified people to match to jobs.  I also think it is a great way to market yourself if you are looking for another job.

Do you have any concerns?

The only concerns I would have with this site is similar to a Facebook account.  No matter what site you use you always have to remember that you must watch what you write.  Anyone can find information about you but you need to be careful what you put on the internet.


animated gif maker
Animated gif maker

I use this website in order to find jobs for others as well as myself.



chapter 1

Monday, January 31, 2011

chapter 1

The definition of the Internet is the computer network world wide that links computers together in order for people to talk to each other, look for governmental information, banking, shopping, social networking, and educational purposes as well as for other things.  The things that we now use the Internet for is mind boggling.  The use of the Internet is largely different from it's inception of connecting computers to one another in 1957.  The age of computers communicating and transferring data from one place to another through the Internet has blossomed.  We all take advantage of getting information about what ever it is we look for or need without a second thought as to how it gets to us.  When I watched the video connected to our reading assignment I was amazed at how far computers did go back, as well as how quickly we got here with all the information we need at our fingertips, for example lap tops and smart phones.  I found this neat "You Tube" video on computers of the future and I thought it was interesting because it is something you see on "CSI" and these are things that are available now.      

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

Businesses use computers in various ways in order to get their product out there in so many ways it is amazing how this has changed the way people shop or make decisions because information is available within a small period of time.  People do not have to leave their home to buy things anymore.  Below is the web site for the company I work for (which has only been around for about a year or so), the technology is new to our company. 
Temporaries, Temps to Hire & Permanent Placement
Temporary Staffing Services
Permanent Staffing Services
Temporaries, Temps to Hire, Temporary Work:
Permanent Employees, Permanent Placement:
Information can be viewed other than through sales people or brochures.  Social networks are not only used by individuals but companies use these sites in order to reach people that they may not have in the past.  With the Internet companies can use "cookies" to get their product line out to people or they can reach people with coupons or special offers, for example I receive information from Bath and Body Works on my Facebook page.  I can also join groups on Facebook and be able to reach people that are interested in things that are interesting to me.  What would we do without the Internet?  We are able to communicate with people we never would have spoke to if there wasn't the Web, and to loose this or not be able to access it would be a detriment to all.  I am very excited to be able to learn all I can on how to use the computer and the Internet more efficiently and through this course I can see this happening.

net neutrality

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Net Neutrality

Ok, ok I get it the idea of the "article" for Net Neutrality and not being to access it was to show us what would happen if the FCC did not step in and make sure that the providers do not have the chance to overcharge people for the use of their sites.  I read a couple of different articles from "The Times" and from Verizon and I see that this is not the way we want to go in the future, it is almost as if the companies are trying to take away our Constitutional rights.

The American Railroads: A Long and Storied History

This kind of reminds me about the information I have been reading for my US History class.  The Railroad companies tried to do the same thing with their tracks across the country.  The companies tried to extort as much money while they were laying the tracks.  Then after the tracks were down they tried to control the various load they would carry from other companies as well as the towns they went through.  We cannot allow companies to strong arm our freedom of speech, ideas, or the way we collect information and data.  I can understand that the time and energy that went into all the equipment that need to be put out there has to be paid for but it seems to me that is why there are advertisements and I can see how they could charge a fee for certain things.  Even though I don't think we need more government control, I do see that we need to make sure this does not happen with some government program overseeing this.  This is so that we do not get over charged just for basic information or Web site charges in order to access the Web.  I was unaware of this situation but with the information I will gain from this class I don't want to loose the chance to use what I learn because I am not going to be forced to pay exorbitant amounts of money just to go to a Web site.


Sunday, February 6, 2011


Ok, I just set up my Twitter account so I am now going to try and link it with this blog so let's see if I can do it.!/shannonscamacca

I think it worked but not sure how to put it on my dashboard.

1st time animate 1st time by scamacca

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Shannon's Social Networking for Business: 1st time animate

Shannon's Social Networking for Business: 1st time animate: " 1st time by scamacca Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First time blogging

Social Networking, how much do people like to blog?  From reading the information provided to us in order to see how to blog, it seems that more and more people are blogging.  I can see how important it can be to businesses as it helps to get their product and information out to people that may not visit their web page.  I enjoyed looking at the blog regarding business;

How to Blog Your Way to Small-Business Success

It seems like everyone has a blog these days—but most business owners don't. They should